Chess in Schools is now Chess in Education – US.
Same Dream, Same team, Bigger theme!
Our name change better reflects its mission of connecting chess to education in all its forms. Not all education takes place within the traditional K-12 school setting. Chess in Education – US continues its mission of helping school systems develop programming that allows teachers to use the game as an educational tool – introducing academic and 21st century skills. But chess can also serve as the vehicle to deliver skills for those in the juvenile system or in prison.
Chess in Education – US provides the expertise needed to develop scalable programs that help students of any age be successful in the classroom and in life. With the experience of two state-wide projects in partnership with state departments of education, we look forward to the next opportunity to make a difference.
Our new domain name is For now you will still see the name in your browser. You can continue to use that name as we complete some behind-the-scenes technical changes.
Note: is the commercial site for our nonprofit organization: Chess in Education – US. We also operate the educational and non-commercial site, which we operate as part of the Chess in Education Initiative.