Donate to Chess in Education – US
Chess in Education – US is currently supported by a small number of donors. Your donation to Chess in Schools will support the chessineducation.org website as a resource for the international Chess in Education (CIE) community, and advance the adoption of CIE in the United States by training more teacher how to use chess effectively in the classroom.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit limited liability organization (EIN# 90-1141646), your donation to Chess in Education LLC is tax deductible. For more information on our credentials, check us out on Candid/Guidestar.
If you prefer to donate to Chess in Education – US by check, please include your name, organization (if applicable), address, phone number, and email when contributing by check.
Chess in Education – US
23 Hosta Ln
Hendersonville, NC 28739
For more information contact:
Neil Dietsch, Managing Director
Email: neil@chessineducation.us
All rights reserved. Chess in Education - US LLC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 90-1141646.